Eight. Waylon is eight months old. I am in denial. There is something about eight months that is way older than seven months (besides the 30-ish days that have passed.) Saying 'eight months old' sounds older than 'seven months old.' Try it. See? Oh, my heart. What will I do when he grows all the way up? Anyway, he is eight whole months old and he...
has met a sippy cup and can do without
feeds himself (see previous BLW post)
also feeds Stella
has four teeth
rolls and kicks his big ball (that he picked out from Target)
LOVES to swim (see previous 'fish baby' post)
is considering crawling - pushes up on arms, not onto knees
bled for the first time (he busted his little lip)
almost always has a scratch or bump somewhere
reaches to be held (mostly for ME! sometimes for Daddy)
still doesn't say 'ma-ma'
sleeps better in the car the louder the music is (prefers Enya or Ray L.)
crossed the state line for the first (into Florida)
stuck his toes in the sand - loved it
stuck his toes in the ocean - hated it
lost Charlie (his first little stuffed buddy), seeking replacement
has to warm up to new people and places (stranger danger)
screams. loud. just for fun.
is completely fascinated by big kids. wishes they were more fascinated with him.
loves to swing
humors me and wears hat, sunglasses and SPF a million anytime we go outside
humors me and wears hat, sunglasses and SPF a million anytime we go outside
This last month flew by. Maybe faster than any other. Every day with Waylon is better than the day before, which is a good thing, cause the day before is already gone. Without a doubt, the older he gets, the more fun he gets. He has the most adorable little personality. We laugh most of the time, but with his little personality is coming a little will. So, where there was little to no fussing or crying before, he is discovering that often fussing or crying will get him what he wants. (I know, I know. This is when we are supposed to start not reacting and not giving in. It's hard. We're trying.)
Waylon still sleeps through the night - usually 10 to 11 hours. He takes two naps a day with an optional third. He is a happier kid with three shorter naps rather than two longer naps. You know how he feels about naps. He nurses four times a day and eats three big-kid meals a day. He has yet to meet a food he doesn't like.
I don't know if it's because of the amount of time we spend together and how close we are all day long, but I've found that Waylon is more interactive than most babies around his age. I was asked the other day if he talks yet. I said yes. We can't understand him yet, but boy does he talk! And I am certain he understands us. Bottom line: he is brilliant and getting brilliant-er with age. It's probably my brilliance rubbing off.
Love all the pictures! I think Waylon has gotten even cuter since we left AL!