It is entirely possible that Waylon is experiencing a degree of separation anxiety at the moment. Clarity: He has been staying in the nursery at church for the last couple of months. It's nice. It gives Joey and I the opportunity to be grown-ups together, alone for about 45 minutes. We get to sit in church together, undisturbed, focused, like we used to. I am a big fan of our church nursery. They are super nice, thorough and clean. Not to mention the fact that they have a police officer standing guard through all three services. Secure.
For the last, say, four times that we've taken Waylon to the nursery it hasn't gone well. First, when we picked him up he was crying, supposedly, because Miles was having a bottle and he wasn't. (Waylon wouldn't know what to do with a bottle if you gave him one. Not the issue.) It was funny that day, though. We talked about Miles and the bottle on the way home - that we should love Miles anyway, bottle-schmottle we said. Now we talk about Miles every Sunday on the way to church, like we know who the kid is and he and Waylon are good friends. We couldn't pick him out of a line-up. ha.
Next, I went to pick him up and Nursery Lady was walking around the halls with him, crying. He was, not Nursery Lady. She said he had been crying on and off for the last 30 minutes. He flew to me. Oh, how it broke my heart.
Then, I drop him off and he starts crying the moment he lands in Nursery Lady's arms. I duck away as quickly as possible and wait around the corner to see if he's going to relax. He doesn't. He sees me. It's all over. I take him to the Mothers' Room for the remainder of the service. (Which was actually kind of nice. We used to have our own little play group in there on Sunday mornings and we miss those kids.)
Yesterday, Joey and I drop him off together, crying commences at hand-off and we high-tail it down the hall. I don't know about this. Everything in me says Turn around. Go back to him and love on him. You don't have to leave him. But we do. I am tense for the next 45 minutes. I know, my inner mama knows that it's not going well in there. I am watching the screen intensely, waiting for our number to pop up, giving me the go-ahead, the green flag to race to the nursery and rescue him. It doesn't. Amazing. We go to pick him up and he's sitting on the floor (not alone, with a few others), crying. They weren't. He was. Facing the door, red eyes, snotty nose, can't-catch-his-breath, crying. He sees me and Joey and I can read his mind. It's not good. I hate the way I feel. There were too many babies per Nursery Lady. They were all busy. No one was getting him for me. My hand was on the knob, ready to get him for myself, when a Nursery Lady extra stepped in. Just in time. It was all I could do to just stand there and watch him cry.
I don't know what the solution is to the dilemma. I haven't read a lot on separation anxiety. What I do know is that it did not feel right to leave him while he was crying, watching us walk away, ignoring him. I am not okay with that. I don't want Waylon to think that crying gets him what he wants. It doesn't work like that at home. But, isn't this a particularly sensitive time/subject? Shouldn't we handle this a little differently than, say, another bite of ice cream or another m&m? Isn't this different from the camera, or my phone, or the remote control, or any other 'toy' he's not supposed to play with? Isn't there a way to be a little more tender and compassionate and sensitive and love him through this, when he appears to need us a little more than usual? Won't this phase not last very long and then he won't want anything to do with us? Let's be honest. Waylon has been the most ideal baby. I couldn't have dreamed up a better kid. He's allowed to be a little nervous around strangers. I just can not bring myself to accept, mentally or emotionally, looking him in the tear-filled eye and walking away when I don't have to. It's church nursery, for crying out loud.
No pun intended.
I just wanted to tell you #1 that waylon is so stinkin' cute and #2 that we are going through the EXACT same thing with Wyatt:-( Wish I had the solution, but wanted to let you know that you're not alone! Wish we were closer so we could hang out and have pool dates!!
ReplyDeleteYou're such a treasure Meg. I love you to pieces. Seperation Anxiety has reared it's ugly head! He's going through it early because ya'll are so well bonded. Sure, boundaries are one thing and it's okay to cry and be sad/angry when he doesn't get what he wants but with S.A. he's sad because he doesn't understand where you've gone to. They don't understand object permanence - so when he can't see you, he thinks you're gone for good. That he may never see you again! How terrifying right? And his cry has language value and you want him to know you'll always be there and you hear him. Don't leave him if you don't want to. But. You enjoy going to church and having that time with Joey and with God.
ReplyDeleteRuby does the exact same thing when I leave her in nursery. She sees all of the fun toys and get very excited, I sneak out. She cries as soon as she realizes I'm gone. I can hear her at the end of the hall. During offertory I run back to check on her. Pager hasn't gone off but I need peace of mind. She's always fine. I think when parents start arriving to pick them up - it upsets them. Strangers and where is mommy and what's going on.
I tell her I love her. I'm going to church. I will be back soon. Then I sneak away. (Naughty) When I pick her up I say 'see! mommy came back, I'll always come back.'
Love ya'll -
I laughed through this whole post, only because I know EXACTLY what you are going through, cause we are going through the exact same thing. Katelyn HATES the church nursery too. The only difference is that you make it through the service. I get called out almost every Sunday. I don't know what to do either. Due to the fact that we are both stay-at-home mommies I think they are just not use to being away from us... Its horrible. I hate it too. I hope it gets better for the both of us. Let me know if you figure out any tricks that work and I'll do the same for you. Good luck
ReplyDeleteMy two kids still wimper and sometimes all out cry when I leave them in the church nursery too. It definitely has something to do with them spending every waking hour with us during the week, and then Sunday rolls around and for 1 hour mom's no where to be found. With them not being able to understand time and the fact that we're not far away from them even if we're out of sight, I can understand why the tears flow.
ReplyDeleteFor me, my kids go to the nursery despite the tears, because I know the tears don't last long, I know they are in a safe place (in our smaller church usually at least 1 of the kids' teachers is a friend of mine), and I know that they need and enjoy the interaction with other kids.
I know it breaks your heart when you go back to pick him up and his little face tells you he's been crying the whole time. Maybe when you drop him off you should be really specific with the nursery lady, and tell her exactly when you want your number called (for example, if he cries longer than 10 minutes just call me). Just an idea!
By the way, we're coming home in a week...can't wait to see you and Waylon!!!
We went through that at the same church when Maddie was younger. We swapped services for awhile and started going to the 6pm Sunday night service. It was smaller and the nursery had so many fewer kids. It worked for us. After about two months or so, we tried at the 11am again and she was fine. Maybe try that? Always follow your heart! Waylon is such a cutie!