This is the third day that Waylon has been 10 months old and already it's a whole new ball game. There are several 'firsts' that popped up this past weekend. Lolly was here for a few days (of non-stop fun) which probably has everything to do with it. Waylon really likes debuting new things while Lolly's around. Always has. Either he's trying to impress her or he's fishing for a clappy-bouncy-cheery-Lolly reaction. Probably both. So, Waylon is 10 months old now, and he...
crawls!!! Finally. Let me clarify: he has crawled several times. It's not like a mode of
transportation yet or anything. But he has done it and tries to do it and gets very close
regularly. Joey and I agree that he gets around pretty well for an imobile fellow.
has figured out how to drink from his sippy bottle on his own, and man does he love to turn that
bottle up. What's really funny is that he likes to carry it around and chew and suck on the
nipple. Well, get him up on his crazy legs, turning that bottle up with one hand and it looks like
he's been turning up the bottle a little too much, if you know what I mean. Grandpa said he
looks like a drunken sailor.
turns the page for me when we're reading
was sitting up waiting for his valiant crib-rescue at nap's end for the first time (adorable)
said 'Hi' back to me in the car yesterday. I promise.
zooms around his pool all by himself (well, with the help of his baby float)
waves a little more, not quite all the time
cheers and claps for himself regularly (for eating, crawling, laughing, walking). Should have
little-to-no problem with self-esteem.
loves to stand up all on his own, leaning against the back of the sofa, surrounded by pillows. Has
started this funny game where he falls on me or Joey on purpose, like he's 'getting' us.
is falling more and more in love with his grandparents with every visit. Our visits this past
month involved significantly more favor and affection toward every grandparent than they
ever have before. And Joey and I both love it. It is so precious.
has been tongue-kissed by Brock more than a couple of times, much to my disgust and horror.
He loves to walk through the kitchen because the dogs swarm and dance around us hoping for
a stray pat on the back. Whenever one gets near Waylon, he pulls his arms in as if to protect
himself and opens his mouth as if he's being doused with ice water. Brock takes this as his cue
to kiss every time. yech.
only wants to walk. Ever. Pitches a screaming-Mimi fit if he is sat down prematurely. He will run
if he gets really excited, but stops dead in his tracks if you take a hand away, like he can't do it
without two hands.
is staying up longer and napping longer. Officially only two naps now, as of this past weekend.
Mom convinced me that he really is probably getting as much sleep as he needs, even from
one morning nap and a long car ride.
still blows everyone away with his ease, good nature, patience and overall 'good babyness'
still nurses four times a day and has three regular meals. Some of his favorite foods now are
(still) tomato, berries, toast, chick peas, squash. Wait. These are the same favorite foods he's
had for a while. Perhaps it's time to broaden his culinary horizon.
We did have a minor incident involving Mexican food that I will never live down. It was ugly. I'll spare you the details.
Everyone agrees that he is changing and getting more adorable by the day. I agree with everyone. He is so much fun! We giggle and belly-laugh all day long (minus the sit-down melt-downs). It's like we have inside jokes. Maybe we do.
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