Tuesday, February 8, 2011

what you don't know

I just decided this afternoon that it's time to take this blog to the next level, or another level...maybe not necessarily up. What you may or may not know is that I love decorating and re-decorating and making and re-making things. I am a self-professed interior-design-aholic. You could say I am obsessed with it. As a matter of fact, there are days when that's all I can think about. I re-decorate my house at least once a month, sometimes more depending on the season and the success.

And I am a master copy-crafter. What happens is I see something I like/want, but being as I am as cheap as I am crafty, I most likely will refuse to spend what is wanted for said thing. So I figure out how to make it myself. It's not that I'm coming up with my own ideas. That happens from time to time, but more often than not, I'm just stealing other people's ideas and re-creating them at a much cheaper cost.

Since today is one of those days when I can think of little else than accessorizing my living room, I thought I would put this all out in the open and start posting before and afters, how-tos, how-not-tos, etc. I took several photos specifically for this introductory post and my battery died dead. Will share later.

Hope you're interested. Hope you enjoy.


  1. very interesting article, the idea is expensive and has a certain satisfaction to be channeled decorating ideas home, thank you for sharing
