It's so funny. I started this post with the intention of making two lists - one of ten things I loved in high school that I don't now and the other of ten things I love now that I didn't in high school. I got to about four or five ( and those didn't come super easy) and I got stuck. Almost everything I could remember loving in high school, I pretty much still love now. Come to find out, I'm pretty much the same person. That's so weird to me.
And comforting. I'm still here! After all I've done and everywhere I've been and losing and regaining friends and standards (ech) and habits and opinions, I am the same ole Megan I have always been. Thank goodness.
I would upload a high school picture here, but I don't have one handy. Darn.
Oh, and really the only thing I could come up with is cow print. I loved cow print in high school, and not so much these days. Not that I ordered a cow hide rug about a year ago . . . then sent it back.
i remember LOVING your little red saab with cow print seat covers. that car was amazing! :)