This has to be fast. I have to walk the dogs and shower before Waylon wakes up. But I have to tell you...I am nursing Waylon now. If you know me, you know that is HUGE. If you don't, I'll fill you in. When Waylon was first born, we tried to nurse for about 3 weeks. It was horrible. It was hard work. I hated every second of it. I didn't feel an intimate bond with him. I felt frustration and anxiety and most of all stress. A wise friend told me that if whatever I was doing was keeping me from enjoying Walyon, that I needed to do something else. So I did. She was right. That's when I donned the chains of Medela and started pumping every bottle. I hated that, too. But at least I knew that he was getting what he needed. There was no question as to how much milk he was taking at each feeding. So, when he cried after he ate, I knew it was not because he was still hungry. It was just what I needed to take away the stress at the time.
Four months later, I got mastitis for the first time. If you've never had mastitis, let me compare it to passing a kidney stone...although I have never had a kidney stone. Anyway, you get this huge rock in a breast and you have to pass it, basically. That's what I'm calling it now. You have to pump/nurse as much as you can and warm compress and massage the thing to death until the clogged milk rock is set free. It is borderline miserable. We're talking extreme pain, first of all, accompanied by extreme fatigue, aches, pains, fever, chills, nausea..what else? All wrapped up in one. Most women quit breast feeding when they get it. I didn't. I prevailed.
Two weeks later, I get it again. Different side. Not quite as bad, but still terrible. Nurse suggests that I try nursing for the weekend, since baby-sucking is not the same as pump-sucking (to put it bluntly). I gave it a doubt-filled try. Waylon was frustrated for about a minute. I explained to him that I needed his help and to please try. So, he did and it worked. No lie. He's almost 5 months old and we have been nursing for only a week. It's crazy. It's like we've been doing it from day one. It really is the greatest thing ever. I have joined the crazy-nursing-mom band wagon. I am sold. It truly is a beautiful, intimate experience that happens to take waaay less time and be way more convenient that pumping and bottle feeding. I have put the pump in the closet for now. I am so proud of us.
....I am a little apprehensive about teething.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I don't even know what day it is. I've lost track. I know it's half way through the second week and I don't miss TV. It's weird. God has met me here, where TV used to be. The other day, Piper suggested the next time you see an image that causes you to stumble, on TV or elsewhere, that you force your mind to picture and focus on Christ's crucifixion. Well, let me tell you that there is nothing that will erase said image faster than picturing your savior suffering for the very sin the image is causing. Try it.
There have been recurring themes in my readings and quietness. I have yet to step up my works outside my home, but I know the closer I am to God, the easier it is to love-serve in my home, which I figure is a good place to start. So, the fast is going well. I think I may not turn the TV back on in a week and a half. We'll see.
Waylon started cereal! He loves it. I mean, loves it. It's so cute. He picks his little head up and opens up his mouth like a baby bird for every tiny bite. He's such a big boy. Most of the bites stay in. A little cereal squirts out here and there and some come spewing back out. We laugh. Every day this week, Dub has gone 3 1/2 hours between feedings. Sometimes not willingly, but he has waited none-the-less. It has been a week tomorrow since we started the cereal, so we've only done one cereal feeding a day. Starting Saturday, I think we'll up it and see if it eases the spreading at all.
I finally got a Bjorn. Man! I'm outing the secret to super moms right here...the Bjorn. It's amazing. I registered for an Infantino carrier, which we were so blessed to get as a shower gift. But, the thing has so many awkward straps that I could barely get it on by myself. I couldn't adjust once it was one and Waylon just looked so uncomfortable. Well, the Bjorn is everything the Infantio wasn't and then some. We are so cute. Waylon loves it. He gets so excited when I'm putting him in it. Then he likes to just stand in the mirror and look at how cute we are. Yesterday, I was able to bring the groceries in from the car, put them away, unload the dishwasher and start dinner, all with little man in tow. Beautiful.
Per Dave Ramsey, we are trying to cut our grocery budget to next-to-nothing. I have been shopping at Target up until 2 weeks ago. Now I am shopping at Publix because they seem to have the best sales. Week one, I doubled our budget. This week, I tripled it. But, they had Auburn face stickers for a dollar!! I had to get them. That's the problem. I am such a sucker for a bargain and they have so many that my list is in a wad in my pocket by about halfway through the store. I am just grabbing what's super cheap, buy-on-get-ones, half-offs and more. It's so fun for me, but so bad for our budget. I was devastated when she said our total was $110. But it lasted only a brief moment, until I saw that I had saved $71!!! I was so excited. Joey was not. We will stay at Publix for a couple more weeks at least and see if I can't get myself under control. If I can't, it may be back to...gulp...Wal Mart. Blecchh. Come on Publix, work with me.
There have been recurring themes in my readings and quietness. I have yet to step up my works outside my home, but I know the closer I am to God, the easier it is to love-serve in my home, which I figure is a good place to start. So, the fast is going well. I think I may not turn the TV back on in a week and a half. We'll see.
Waylon started cereal! He loves it. I mean, loves it. It's so cute. He picks his little head up and opens up his mouth like a baby bird for every tiny bite. He's such a big boy. Most of the bites stay in. A little cereal squirts out here and there and some come spewing back out. We laugh. Every day this week, Dub has gone 3 1/2 hours between feedings. Sometimes not willingly, but he has waited none-the-less. It has been a week tomorrow since we started the cereal, so we've only done one cereal feeding a day. Starting Saturday, I think we'll up it and see if it eases the spreading at all.
I finally got a Bjorn. Man! I'm outing the secret to super moms right here...the Bjorn. It's amazing. I registered for an Infantino carrier, which we were so blessed to get as a shower gift. But, the thing has so many awkward straps that I could barely get it on by myself. I couldn't adjust once it was one and Waylon just looked so uncomfortable. Well, the Bjorn is everything the Infantio wasn't and then some. We are so cute. Waylon loves it. He gets so excited when I'm putting him in it. Then he likes to just stand in the mirror and look at how cute we are. Yesterday, I was able to bring the groceries in from the car, put them away, unload the dishwasher and start dinner, all with little man in tow. Beautiful.
Per Dave Ramsey, we are trying to cut our grocery budget to next-to-nothing. I have been shopping at Target up until 2 weeks ago. Now I am shopping at Publix because they seem to have the best sales. Week one, I doubled our budget. This week, I tripled it. But, they had Auburn face stickers for a dollar!! I had to get them. That's the problem. I am such a sucker for a bargain and they have so many that my list is in a wad in my pocket by about halfway through the store. I am just grabbing what's super cheap, buy-on-get-ones, half-offs and more. It's so fun for me, but so bad for our budget. I was devastated when she said our total was $110. But it lasted only a brief moment, until I saw that I had saved $71!!! I was so excited. Joey was not. We will stay at Publix for a couple more weeks at least and see if I can't get myself under control. If I can't, it may be back to...gulp...Wal Mart. Blecchh. Come on Publix, work with me.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Joey just informed me that you have to be big to be a quarterback or running back. You have to be big just to make the team. I told him Walyon's definitely made the team.
Waylon had his four month check-up this morning. Just as I suspected...he's perfect. Weighing in at 16 pounds 12 oz and measuring 27 1/2 inches, he is no doubt living high on the bottle. Doc says rolls are a good thing and that he's growing at the ideal rate. He's in the 90th percentile for weight and, well, off the charts for height. My boy! I told him last night that he probably won't be a running back or quarterback, and may not be the next Michael Phelps. He's ok with that.
Just in the last week, he has started motorboating, making air zerberts, whatever you want to call it. He does this all the time. It's pretty cute and slightly messy. We had to watch church from the mom's room on Sunday because he was talking too much. People were looking. He has also just started watching the dogs this week. Mostly Stella. She never stops moving and Brock never moves. He doesn't think she's funny. He just stares. I can't tell what he's thinking, but he is infatuated. I'm sure she'll get funnier the older he gets. Of course, Locke's 2 now and he thinks Stella's a cat. This hasn't done much for her self esteem. Bless her. She tries so hard to be extra adorable so Mom will take her back to AU with her every time Mom's in town. It hasn't worked so far.
The dream rocker is, in fact, that. I love it. It is, sadly, the only piece of new furniture Joey and I have ever had...except for this p.o.c. ottoman that I bought off ebay that is NOT leather. That and all the things Joey has made for us, which is actually better than store-bought furniture. In case you didn't know, he is oober talented. If you ever want a piece of custom furniture built, he's the man. Notice I didn't say cheap, but custom. It takes lots of time and skill and is totally worth the money.
For the last 2 1/2 days, I have been fasting from daytime tv. Technically, this is a Jewish fast. It was Chris Hodges' idea, not mine. I don't fast, really. I am what you might call a luke warm Christian, and I hate that! I always want to be more, do more, know more, share more. I have tried in vain. I fall so short of what I want to be and feel called to be. I guess it's because it would take lots more effort than I have ever been willing to put forth. So, I have taken the challenge.
Why tv, you might ask? Don't people usually fast from food? Why, yes. That is traditionally what a fast is. But, you see, I am still breastfeeding and am afraid that giving up food for 21 days might bring that to a premature end. So, instead I am giving up my beloved television, or rather all the friends that I spend all day every day with. It's sad, but true. I look forward to Meredith, Matt, Al, Ann, the Duggars, Phil, Opra...who else?? It really makes my days go by fast when I spend them in the company of my tv. That's not to say that I usually sit idly, staring blankly, wasting knowingly. I don't. I usually just have it on for background noise...mostly. Anyway, I figure that is the biggest thing that takes away from any time I might spend with God. He promises that I will find him if I look for him with all my heart. It's only 2 1/2 days in. I haven't given all my heart yet. But there are 18 days left and I plan on doing that very soon. As soon as I write this blog, fold the clothes, dust, vacuum, start dinner, feed the baby, pump the next bottle, take a shower...
I promise to keep you posted. I have big expectations for these 3 weeks. God has already thrown some things in my face, which I appreciate. I tend to miss subtle suggestions. I prefer flashing neon signs.
The last 2 days, part or all of the scripture or teachings I've read have been about storing up treasures in heaven, which is a little confusing. Our salvation is through our faith and God's grace. Our reward is according to our works, or acts of said faith. We don't know what that reward involves, but I want mine to be good. Conclusion...It's time my faith and my works look a little more similar. How about you?
Just in the last week, he has started motorboating, making air zerberts, whatever you want to call it. He does this all the time. It's pretty cute and slightly messy. We had to watch church from the mom's room on Sunday because he was talking too much. People were looking. He has also just started watching the dogs this week. Mostly Stella. She never stops moving and Brock never moves. He doesn't think she's funny. He just stares. I can't tell what he's thinking, but he is infatuated. I'm sure she'll get funnier the older he gets. Of course, Locke's 2 now and he thinks Stella's a cat. This hasn't done much for her self esteem. Bless her. She tries so hard to be extra adorable so Mom will take her back to AU with her every time Mom's in town. It hasn't worked so far.
The dream rocker is, in fact, that. I love it. It is, sadly, the only piece of new furniture Joey and I have ever had...except for this p.o.c. ottoman that I bought off ebay that is NOT leather. That and all the things Joey has made for us, which is actually better than store-bought furniture. In case you didn't know, he is oober talented. If you ever want a piece of custom furniture built, he's the man. Notice I didn't say cheap, but custom. It takes lots of time and skill and is totally worth the money.
For the last 2 1/2 days, I have been fasting from daytime tv. Technically, this is a Jewish fast. It was Chris Hodges' idea, not mine. I don't fast, really. I am what you might call a luke warm Christian, and I hate that! I always want to be more, do more, know more, share more. I have tried in vain. I fall so short of what I want to be and feel called to be. I guess it's because it would take lots more effort than I have ever been willing to put forth. So, I have taken the challenge.
Why tv, you might ask? Don't people usually fast from food? Why, yes. That is traditionally what a fast is. But, you see, I am still breastfeeding and am afraid that giving up food for 21 days might bring that to a premature end. So, instead I am giving up my beloved television, or rather all the friends that I spend all day every day with. It's sad, but true. I look forward to Meredith, Matt, Al, Ann, the Duggars, Phil, Opra...who else?? It really makes my days go by fast when I spend them in the company of my tv. That's not to say that I usually sit idly, staring blankly, wasting knowingly. I don't. I usually just have it on for background noise...mostly. Anyway, I figure that is the biggest thing that takes away from any time I might spend with God. He promises that I will find him if I look for him with all my heart. It's only 2 1/2 days in. I haven't given all my heart yet. But there are 18 days left and I plan on doing that very soon. As soon as I write this blog, fold the clothes, dust, vacuum, start dinner, feed the baby, pump the next bottle, take a shower...
I promise to keep you posted. I have big expectations for these 3 weeks. God has already thrown some things in my face, which I appreciate. I tend to miss subtle suggestions. I prefer flashing neon signs.
The last 2 days, part or all of the scripture or teachings I've read have been about storing up treasures in heaven, which is a little confusing. Our salvation is through our faith and God's grace. Our reward is according to our works, or acts of said faith. We don't know what that reward involves, but I want mine to be good. Conclusion...It's time my faith and my works look a little more similar. How about you?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
out of the abundance of the heart
'Foul language' hurts my ears. Physically hurts them. It's hard to explain and it hasn't always. There was a time when I was far from God that my mouth and that of a sailor would have been hard to distinguish. These days, I don't appreciate the company of a person that punctuates conversation with ugly words. It's as thought I don't know how to respond. I remember growing up, we weren't allowed to use words like 'butt' and 'crap.' I thought that was ridiculous. Now I know why those guidelines were put in place. It's about the attitude. I used to laugh at my dad. I would say 'dang' or 'darn' and Dad would tell me not to curse. Dad...(he also says the speed limit is merely a suggestion. It means you can go up to said limit. Precious)
I just read a piece of Piper from his book 'Taste and See' about what he calls, rightly so, prison language. The scripture he quotes is Matthew 12.34: Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Here are some points he makes that I agree with and/or have never considered:
There is a kind of macho ego-satisfaction that comes from pointless swearing and foul, sacrilegious talk. The thing that makes it macho is that offensive language feels assertive and virile. So if you are weak and insecure, one way to camouflage it is to pepper your conversation with social no-no's.
'Foul talk' and 'coarse jesting' are a pitiful attempt to fill a void which God meant to be filled with gratitude to him and love to others.
Behind foul talk is a gaping void where God's grace belongs, and behind coarse jesting is the gaping void where joyful gratitude belongs. It is a God issue.
Isn't that so true?? It really is a God issue. I am sorry for people who use such language. They are lacking.
I just read a piece of Piper from his book 'Taste and See' about what he calls, rightly so, prison language. The scripture he quotes is Matthew 12.34: Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
Here are some points he makes that I agree with and/or have never considered:
There is a kind of macho ego-satisfaction that comes from pointless swearing and foul, sacrilegious talk. The thing that makes it macho is that offensive language feels assertive and virile. So if you are weak and insecure, one way to camouflage it is to pepper your conversation with social no-no's.
'Foul talk' and 'coarse jesting' are a pitiful attempt to fill a void which God meant to be filled with gratitude to him and love to others.
Behind foul talk is a gaping void where God's grace belongs, and behind coarse jesting is the gaping void where joyful gratitude belongs. It is a God issue.
Isn't that so true?? It really is a God issue. I am sorry for people who use such language. They are lacking.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
visual aid
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
to whom much is given
Number three. Three in one day. I have a lot to say today. Mom, sorry if there are misspelled words in the last two entries. Forgot to spell check.
I wanted to update you on the tithing situation. This will only take a minute.
So, as I mentioned earlier, December was the first month that Joey and I tithed 10% of our income. This is in fact not considered giving by myself. It's just giving back to God what is his. Giving is what we do above and beyond the 10% that is required. So, we actually didn't get to write the check until the Sunday after Christmas. You see, we are not standing members of any church. I am a member of OMPC from when my parents joined forever ago, but we have not joined a church together. So, we decided that our tithe would go to Gravel Hill Baptist Church in Greenville. This is Joey's mom's home church. Gone there for years. Love this church, we do. It is a tiny little church in the country full of the Spirit and overflowing with love for the Lord and for us. They are some precious brothers and sisters, down there at GHBC. There are only ever about 20 people max every time we go. When I went to Africa, they made a significant financial contribution as well as praying for me before and during my trip and asking me to share when I got back. They held a wedding shower for Joey and I when we got married. They are family. We gave our first ever tithe check to them on Sunday, the 27th.
Well, before we ever even wrote the check, we started receiving financial blessings from above. Seriously, it's like God was going, 'I'm so proud of you for even committing to doing this. Let me show you what I'm talking about when I say that I give abundantly to those who give freely." All in the month of December, we got a big reimbursement from BCBS, Joey got a bigger-than-expected Christmas bonus (even with 'these tough economic times') and a significant raise!
See there. God is faithful and generous and loving. Try him.
I wanted to update you on the tithing situation. This will only take a minute.
So, as I mentioned earlier, December was the first month that Joey and I tithed 10% of our income. This is in fact not considered giving by myself. It's just giving back to God what is his. Giving is what we do above and beyond the 10% that is required. So, we actually didn't get to write the check until the Sunday after Christmas. You see, we are not standing members of any church. I am a member of OMPC from when my parents joined forever ago, but we have not joined a church together. So, we decided that our tithe would go to Gravel Hill Baptist Church in Greenville. This is Joey's mom's home church. Gone there for years. Love this church, we do. It is a tiny little church in the country full of the Spirit and overflowing with love for the Lord and for us. They are some precious brothers and sisters, down there at GHBC. There are only ever about 20 people max every time we go. When I went to Africa, they made a significant financial contribution as well as praying for me before and during my trip and asking me to share when I got back. They held a wedding shower for Joey and I when we got married. They are family. We gave our first ever tithe check to them on Sunday, the 27th.
Well, before we ever even wrote the check, we started receiving financial blessings from above. Seriously, it's like God was going, 'I'm so proud of you for even committing to doing this. Let me show you what I'm talking about when I say that I give abundantly to those who give freely." All in the month of December, we got a big reimbursement from BCBS, Joey got a bigger-than-expected Christmas bonus (even with 'these tough economic times') and a significant raise!
See there. God is faithful and generous and loving. Try him.
i almost forgot
I am devistated. Call me old fashioned, but I love love a good magazine. I don't want to peruse a website, I want to smell the ink, flip each glossy page, dog-ear and rip em out. I love magazines. Always have. Well, the best secular magazine out there for moms/families is Cookie. It is absolutely darling. It's pages are filled with useful information on mothering children of all ages, spotlights on under-the-radar celebrity moms, excellent beauty and stule advice, practical recipes and decorating ideas. Their website (ok, I used to look at it when I was at the salon, when I got bored) has fantastic tours of kids' rooms. Helped me decorate Dub's. I mean, it's just a fabulous magazine. So, I asked for a subscription for Christmas. Didn't get it, but collected the money specifically to purchase it for myself. Merry Christmas, me! Pull the website up 5 minutes ago and they are no longer accepting subscriptions! Devistation. For real.
There are a few things I forgot to mention in today's previous blog. It seems I did this last month. Blogged twice in one day and then waited about 30 just to blog twice in one day again. Cool. Waylon hit a growth spurt. Big. On Monday, he was wearing 3 month footed pjs (called sleep-n-plays ... they are the easiest, with a shirt, pants and socks all built in!), and on Tuesday the exact same pjs were about 2 inches too short. No lie. Packed them all up for Baby 2. Being said, Mama got to go shopping!! Which is like scratching an itch that you haven't been able to reach for a month (thank you, Dave Ramsey). Hit up the cutest little consignment shop in Opelika. It was wonderful. As far as I'm concerned, the best shopping is done when there is a legitimate need and the purchases are bargains. Can't wait to go to another c-shop!
Little piece of greatness my sweet new neighbor friend gave me... daytime and nighttime diapers. This has indeed saved us some bucks. If you haven't tried them (and of course, if you have a family member that uses infant diapers), you should check out Target brand diapers. They are super absorbant, pretty soft, not bulky, super cute and significantly cheaper than name-brand diapers. SO, what you do is put the kid in cheap-o diapers during the day and crazy-expensive, you-just-peed-on-your-college-fund diapers at night. You use one name-brand diaper a day! Seriously, check out the price difference. Do the math. When your child is a successful doctor/lawyer because you were savvy enough to save a few pennies a diaper to add to the college fund, you will be so glad. Thank me later.
When I mentioned that Joey gave me Wii Fit Plus for Christmas, I forgot to add that he also gave me the Auburn jersey that I've always dreamed of owning. Cheesy, but I will wear it every game day. It's my new lucky jersey. AND, Kyle, my awesome brother and Mom, my awesome mom, got me a Pottery Barn Kids DREAM ROCKER!!! omg. I am so excited about that rocking chair, it's rediculous. It will be here Friday. I am rearranging my whole house around this rocking chair. It is going to change my life, I think.
Here's a little quote I found from Leo Tolstoy. It's great, even though we all know where the salvation of the world actually comes from!
'Yes, mothers, in your hands more than in those of anyone else, lies the salvation of the world!'
It's a little empowering to think that I am in fact raising a child that could become a man that changes the world somehow.
There are a few things I forgot to mention in today's previous blog. It seems I did this last month. Blogged twice in one day and then waited about 30 just to blog twice in one day again. Cool. Waylon hit a growth spurt. Big. On Monday, he was wearing 3 month footed pjs (called sleep-n-plays ... they are the easiest, with a shirt, pants and socks all built in!), and on Tuesday the exact same pjs were about 2 inches too short. No lie. Packed them all up for Baby 2. Being said, Mama got to go shopping!! Which is like scratching an itch that you haven't been able to reach for a month (thank you, Dave Ramsey). Hit up the cutest little consignment shop in Opelika. It was wonderful. As far as I'm concerned, the best shopping is done when there is a legitimate need and the purchases are bargains. Can't wait to go to another c-shop!
Little piece of greatness my sweet new neighbor friend gave me... daytime and nighttime diapers. This has indeed saved us some bucks. If you haven't tried them (and of course, if you have a family member that uses infant diapers), you should check out Target brand diapers. They are super absorbant, pretty soft, not bulky, super cute and significantly cheaper than name-brand diapers. SO, what you do is put the kid in cheap-o diapers during the day and crazy-expensive, you-just-peed-on-your-college-fund diapers at night. You use one name-brand diaper a day! Seriously, check out the price difference. Do the math. When your child is a successful doctor/lawyer because you were savvy enough to save a few pennies a diaper to add to the college fund, you will be so glad. Thank me later.
When I mentioned that Joey gave me Wii Fit Plus for Christmas, I forgot to add that he also gave me the Auburn jersey that I've always dreamed of owning. Cheesy, but I will wear it every game day. It's my new lucky jersey. AND, Kyle, my awesome brother and Mom, my awesome mom, got me a Pottery Barn Kids DREAM ROCKER!!! omg. I am so excited about that rocking chair, it's rediculous. It will be here Friday. I am rearranging my whole house around this rocking chair. It is going to change my life, I think.
Here's a little quote I found from Leo Tolstoy. It's great, even though we all know where the salvation of the world actually comes from!
'Yes, mothers, in your hands more than in those of anyone else, lies the salvation of the world!'
It's a little empowering to think that I am in fact raising a child that could become a man that changes the world somehow.
the breast things in life are free
So, it's been almost a month since I updated last. Maybe exactly a month. It's challenging to me because I don't like my blog. There. I said it. It's not cute. In fact, it is far inferior to all my friends' blogs. But, I don't know what to do. It takes 24 hours for me to upload pictures (not really, but close) and I don't know how you get those adorable backgrounds and I still haven't figured out what the description of this blog is. There is so much pressure in this blog-saturated day to have the perfect one and I am crumbling under it. If anyone would like to volunteer their blog-spertise and fill me in, consider this your open invitation and an advanced appreciation.
Waylon is 4 months old now and he changes by the second. It is the funniest thing in the world to witness him experiencing life and the world for the first time. It's great. That's what I've always loved about children. It's priceless. Every day, it seems, he discovers a new body part. Last month, his hands were all the rage. Now, his feet fascinate him and it is sooo funny to touch Mama's face with his toes. He's discovered he can suck on something whenever he wants if it belongs to him - his fingers, his sleeve, his bottom lip, his upper lip. He can now grab things and bring them to his mouth. Actually, he grabs everything and brings it to his mouth. It's like he's wearing velcro mits. Anything that gets close to his hand falls prey to his bizarrely strong grip. I'm afraid the finding of the contents of his diaper are only days aways and then I'm in for it.
Oh! The best is that he's ticklish now. Oh my gosh, it's adorable. He only does it for Joey (which I feel is my first taste of Daddy=fun, Mama=nurturing). I know Joey really really loved him before, when he was younger, but now that W's responding to him more, he is completely enamored. Joey finally has someone that appreciates and loves his 'feather ruffling.' Most people would probably think he's a tad rough with the little guy, but I'm telling you he loves it. I guess he's used to it. W loves to stand up now and he's really good at it. Joey thinks he will skip crawling all together and go straight to 400m dashes. As he pulled him up tp his lap last night, he asked W if he wanted to be the snapper or the quarterback. W thought about it a minute and decided he didn't care. Our precious neighbors lent us their little boy's exer-saucer (is that even a word that has a correct spelling?) so that W could sit-stand-sit-stand-sit all day long if he wants to. We are so grateful. He thinks it's the best thing since bottled milk. Just in the last week or so, he found his scrunch muscle in his nose. Now he scrunches his nose and curls a lip and it's so funny. Yesterday, he decided it would be easier to just knaw on his tongue, since it's already in his mouth. We've got to cut that out. Doesn't look right.
We spent lots of nights away from home over the holidays. All the grandparents just about kissed all the cute right off of Waylon. He and I spent a couple of nights in Auburn with Lolly without Joey. We missed him greatly. Came home right away. Joey gave me Wii Fit Plus for Christmas, which I am super excited about. Look out Jillian Michaels (is that the girl's name from Biggest Loser?).
Most recently, I had a fight with Mastitis. Wow. It just about got the best of me. Chills, nausea, fever, aches, headache, crazy breast pain, low supply, dizziness, extreme fatigue....what else? It was rough. But I beat it. Still pumping. Thud thud thud (that's the sound of me patting myself on the back).
All in all, it's been the best December of my life. God is good.
Waylon is 4 months old now and he changes by the second. It is the funniest thing in the world to witness him experiencing life and the world for the first time. It's great. That's what I've always loved about children. It's priceless. Every day, it seems, he discovers a new body part. Last month, his hands were all the rage. Now, his feet fascinate him and it is sooo funny to touch Mama's face with his toes. He's discovered he can suck on something whenever he wants if it belongs to him - his fingers, his sleeve, his bottom lip, his upper lip. He can now grab things and bring them to his mouth. Actually, he grabs everything and brings it to his mouth. It's like he's wearing velcro mits. Anything that gets close to his hand falls prey to his bizarrely strong grip. I'm afraid the finding of the contents of his diaper are only days aways and then I'm in for it.
Oh! The best is that he's ticklish now. Oh my gosh, it's adorable. He only does it for Joey (which I feel is my first taste of Daddy=fun, Mama=nurturing). I know Joey really really loved him before, when he was younger, but now that W's responding to him more, he is completely enamored. Joey finally has someone that appreciates and loves his 'feather ruffling.' Most people would probably think he's a tad rough with the little guy, but I'm telling you he loves it. I guess he's used to it. W loves to stand up now and he's really good at it. Joey thinks he will skip crawling all together and go straight to 400m dashes. As he pulled him up tp his lap last night, he asked W if he wanted to be the snapper or the quarterback. W thought about it a minute and decided he didn't care. Our precious neighbors lent us their little boy's exer-saucer (is that even a word that has a correct spelling?) so that W could sit-stand-sit-stand-sit all day long if he wants to. We are so grateful. He thinks it's the best thing since bottled milk. Just in the last week or so, he found his scrunch muscle in his nose. Now he scrunches his nose and curls a lip and it's so funny. Yesterday, he decided it would be easier to just knaw on his tongue, since it's already in his mouth. We've got to cut that out. Doesn't look right.
We spent lots of nights away from home over the holidays. All the grandparents just about kissed all the cute right off of Waylon. He and I spent a couple of nights in Auburn with Lolly without Joey. We missed him greatly. Came home right away. Joey gave me Wii Fit Plus for Christmas, which I am super excited about. Look out Jillian Michaels (is that the girl's name from Biggest Loser?).
Most recently, I had a fight with Mastitis. Wow. It just about got the best of me. Chills, nausea, fever, aches, headache, crazy breast pain, low supply, dizziness, extreme fatigue....what else? It was rough. But I beat it. Still pumping. Thud thud thud (that's the sound of me patting myself on the back).
All in all, it's been the best December of my life. God is good.
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