Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Waylon had his four month check-up this morning. Just as I suspected...he's perfect. Weighing in at 16 pounds 12 oz and measuring 27 1/2 inches, he is no doubt living high on the bottle. Doc says rolls are a good thing and that he's growing at the ideal rate. He's in the 90th percentile for weight and, well, off the charts for height. My boy! I told him last night that he probably won't be a running back or quarterback, and may not be the next Michael Phelps. He's ok with that.

Just in the last week, he has started motorboating, making air zerberts, whatever you want to call it. He does this all the time. It's pretty cute and slightly messy. We had to watch church from the mom's room on Sunday because he was talking too much. People were looking. He has also just started watching the dogs this week. Mostly Stella. She never stops moving and Brock never moves. He doesn't think she's funny. He just stares. I can't tell what he's thinking, but he is infatuated. I'm sure she'll get funnier the older he gets. Of course, Locke's 2 now and he thinks Stella's a cat. This hasn't done much for her self esteem. Bless her. She tries so hard to be extra adorable so Mom will take her back to AU with her every time Mom's in town. It hasn't worked so far.

The dream rocker is, in fact, that. I love it. It is, sadly, the only piece of new furniture Joey and I have ever had...except for this p.o.c. ottoman that I bought off ebay that is NOT leather. That and all the things Joey has made for us, which is actually better than store-bought furniture. In case you didn't know, he is oober talented. If you ever want a piece of custom furniture built, he's the man. Notice I didn't say cheap, but custom. It takes lots of time and skill and is totally worth the money.

For the last 2 1/2 days, I have been fasting from daytime tv. Technically, this is a Jewish fast. It was Chris Hodges' idea, not mine. I don't fast, really. I am what you might call a luke warm Christian, and I hate that! I always want to be more, do more, know more, share more. I have tried in vain. I fall so short of what I want to be and feel called to be. I guess it's because it would take lots more effort than I have ever been willing to put forth. So, I have taken the challenge.

Why tv, you might ask? Don't people usually fast from food? Why, yes. That is traditionally what a fast is. But, you see, I am still breastfeeding and am afraid that giving up food for 21 days might bring that to a premature end. So, instead I am giving up my beloved television, or rather all the friends that I spend all day every day with. It's sad, but true. I look forward to Meredith, Matt, Al, Ann, the Duggars, Phil, Opra...who else?? It really makes my days go by fast when I spend them in the company of my tv. That's not to say that I usually sit idly, staring blankly, wasting knowingly. I don't. I usually just have it on for background noise...mostly. Anyway, I figure that is the biggest thing that takes away from any time I might spend with God. He promises that I will find him if I look for him with all my heart. It's only 2 1/2 days in. I haven't given all my heart yet. But there are 18 days left and I plan on doing that very soon. As soon as I write this blog, fold the clothes, dust, vacuum, start dinner, feed the baby, pump the next bottle, take a shower...

I promise to keep you posted. I have big expectations for these 3 weeks. God has already thrown some things in my face, which I appreciate. I tend to miss subtle suggestions. I prefer flashing neon signs.

The last 2 days, part or all of the scripture or teachings I've read have been about storing up treasures in heaven, which is a little confusing. Our salvation is through our faith and God's grace. Our reward is according to our works, or acts of said faith. We don't know what that reward involves, but I want mine to be good. Conclusion...It's time my faith and my works look a little more similar. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the fast! I also use the tv for background noise...more here in the apartment than in Moody, but I know how it is such good company! Definitely keep us updated on how your 21 days are going.
