Thursday, January 21, 2010


I don't even know what day it is. I've lost track. I know it's half way through the second week and I don't miss TV. It's weird. God has met me here, where TV used to be. The other day, Piper suggested the next time you see an image that causes you to stumble, on TV or elsewhere, that you force your mind to picture and focus on Christ's crucifixion. Well, let me tell you that there is nothing that will erase said image faster than picturing your savior suffering for the very sin the image is causing. Try it.

There have been recurring themes in my readings and quietness. I have yet to step up my works outside my home, but I know the closer I am to God, the easier it is to love-serve in my home, which I figure is a good place to start. So, the fast is going well. I think I may not turn the TV back on in a week and a half. We'll see.

Waylon started cereal! He loves it. I mean, loves it. It's so cute. He picks his little head up and opens up his mouth like a baby bird for every tiny bite. He's such a big boy. Most of the bites stay in. A little cereal squirts out here and there and some come spewing back out. We laugh. Every day this week, Dub has gone 3 1/2 hours between feedings. Sometimes not willingly, but he has waited none-the-less. It has been a week tomorrow since we started the cereal, so we've only done one cereal feeding a day. Starting Saturday, I think we'll up it and see if it eases the spreading at all.

I finally got a Bjorn. Man! I'm outing the secret to super moms right here...the Bjorn. It's amazing. I registered for an Infantino carrier, which we were so blessed to get as a shower gift. But, the thing has so many awkward straps that I could barely get it on by myself. I couldn't adjust once it was one and Waylon just looked so uncomfortable. Well, the Bjorn is everything the Infantio wasn't and then some. We are so cute. Waylon loves it. He gets so excited when I'm putting him in it. Then he likes to just stand in the mirror and look at how cute we are. Yesterday, I was able to bring the groceries in from the car, put them away, unload the dishwasher and start dinner, all with little man in tow. Beautiful.

Per Dave Ramsey, we are trying to cut our grocery budget to next-to-nothing. I have been shopping at Target up until 2 weeks ago. Now I am shopping at Publix because they seem to have the best sales. Week one, I doubled our budget. This week, I tripled it. But, they had Auburn face stickers for a dollar!! I had to get them. That's the problem. I am such a sucker for a bargain and they have so many that my list is in a wad in my pocket by about halfway through the store. I am just grabbing what's super cheap, buy-on-get-ones, half-offs and more. It's so fun for me, but so bad for our budget. I was devastated when she said our total was $110. But it lasted only a brief moment, until I saw that I had saved $71!!! I was so excited. Joey was not. We will stay at Publix for a couple more weeks at least and see if I can't get myself under control. If I can't, it may be back to...gulp...Wal Mart. Blecchh. Come on Publix, work with me.


  1. figuring that budget is SO HARD! there is a website in which you pay $4 a month and get a weekly shopping list catered to whatever store you shop at (kroger, walmart, or publix). They use the sales for that week to make meal plans. I believe they keep costs down to $75/week. you might want to investigate. i did it for awhile but got burned out on the menus. Dave endorses it and it's called EMealz. :)

  2. if you're not already doing it, clip those coupons in the Sunday paper and go to to print others. if you shop at Publix with coupons you can save a ton! when I shop there, my goal is to save as much as I spend, and most of the time I do it! check out this article about the coupons Publix accepts:

  3. I told you you'd wear your baby. See. And didn't I specifically say, 'great for bringing groceries in from the car'? Loves!
