Thursday, February 25, 2010

vowels worth nothing. consonants, priceless.

Waylon is trying to figure out how we make all the noises we make. That would be a great children's book - 'The Noises We Make' by Megan Adams. (Don't steal it. I might use it one day.)When he first started his exploration, he stuck strictly to vowel sounds - a,e,i,o,u and sometimes y. We thought that was great. He has advanced to consonants and it's even greater! From what I can tell, each consonant lasts about 2 weeks, give or take. So far, he's gone through L, D (yes, he said dada first), a TH combo, G and now we are at K. He's trying so hard to make words that start with a 'k' sound, as though he has this terrible stutter that keeps him from completing the word. It helps that he makes these super serious faces the whole time - furrowed brow and all. So, Joey and I guess at what he's trying to say.
'C-c-c-cookies and milk. C-c-c-come get me. K-k-k-quit.' One thing is for sure. That boy is a talker. He'll let somebody have it. I think he's going to be the next Billy Graham. Lolly thinks he's going to be the next Jerry Seinfeld. Either way.

Good news: he's all better. Bad news: I've gotten progressively worse. It's just another sinus infection. I'll start antibiotics as soon as Joey picks them up from the pharmacy :). Have I mentioned that I hate going to the doctor and taking medicine? Come to find out, I've got a deviated septum. Whatever that means.

We are headed to our first consignment sale this weekend. I have saved Waylon's clothes budget for the last few months in preparation. Meanwhile, Grandpa said he looked like he was wearing clam-diggers the other day. Poor kid. He has definitely outgrown the clothes he has. He is in need, which will make the shopping that much sweeter. Nothing for me yet. I haven't purchased an article of clothing for myself since before Waylon was born, which is staggering at the least. No need.

I came within the grocery budget this week. It required going to both Publix and Target, though. Which was not all that terrible. I just couldn't stomach only getting 50 cents off when I knew Publix would make it a whole dollar. It was worth it.

We went to Auburn for a few hours last weekend. Joey had a meeting for half of Saturday, so we went down Friday and left Sat afternoon. Waylon, Lolly and I walked from Lolly's house, downtown and around campus Saturday morning. It was bliss. I mean that. That is the life. I asked Mom what if this was what we did every Saturday morning. Breakfast and a campus walk? She couldn't answer. We were speechless. One day.

You probably know by now that I read 'Babywise' in prep for Dub, and we followed it as closely as possible. Loved it. Agreed with everything about it. Now, I want to read 'Shepherding a Child's Heart.' If you've read this, let me know what you think. Are there other books out there worth investing in?

One more thing. I'm thinking about entering a writing contest. It's got to be a fictional short story. Deadline is September. Any ideas?


  1. Oh, you've got to read THe Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson. A FABULOUS look at the role of a mother. Written by a believer. You'll love it.

  2. 2 things: 1) I have a sinus infection TOO. It sucks. Feel better soon. :) 2) Uh, the story you write should be...."The Noises We Make"! Why not?! It could be the precursor to your book!

  3. Thanks, K. I will get that one.
    How in the world do you get 2000 words on the noises we make, A?? Have to get real creative.

  4. a great book but I really enjoyed "Grace Based Parenting". The author has lots of funny stories and practical experience from his years of parenthood. Have fun!
